high quality italian products
Why using glass wool?
The technology of thermal and acoustic insulation is based on the properties of the material, in compliance with physical and chemical laws. Having to reduce heat losses, the thermal conductivity properties are essential, together with the chemical and mechanical parameters. Similarly, for the purposes of sound insulation, properties such as resistance to airflow and mechanical rigidity are fundamental. All the properties depend on the high porosity. The structure of the material is characterized by a large amount of small gaps all linked to each other, formed by the interweaving of the fibers that make up the glass wool: this is the main reason for the low values of thermal conductivity and dynamic stiffness and of high value of the resistance to the airflow. Also the resistance to thermal shocks has a strong influence on the applications; this feature is provided by the chemical composition of the glass fiber. The fire reaction characteristics are, in turn, influenced by the type of binders (organic or inorganic) that hold together the fibers that form the insulating products; the non hygroscopicity of the material is given by the absence of hollow fibers (typical instead of natural fibers of vegetable origin) and by the characteristics of water repellency that can be added to the binders
ACOUSTIC INSULATION - The interweaving of glass wool fibers allows sound insulation, impact sounds protection and acoustic correction inside rooms.
THERMAL INSULATION - The interweaving of small diameter fibers constitutes a multitude of cells where the air remains in a quiet state.The comparison between the performance of insulating materials must be made by checking the thermal conductivity. The lower it is, the better the product is.